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Dip n' Dots
I eat cookies and ice cream... sometimes upstairs in my room...
I might eat dinner at my computer...................................... :P
Gosh. Everybody above me seems to eat only junk. I almost never eat junk anymore. Smile
I haven't dared touched candy in weeks!
I always try candy I've never tryed.
I've eaten truffles from Germany
What are truffles?
Truffles are balls of chocolate, but some people like to put different stuff in it (peanut butter, white chocolate, caramel, ETC.) Besides you have to take a plane (this is how my trip worked out) to France, which is what I did. I saw a lot of cool things. We had to wake up at 4:30 am so we could catch the subway to the train station (the train ride was 7 hours) and I lost most of my DS games on the trip. I accidentally left them on the train (this is a lesson for me now when I am not playing my DS, PUT THE PACK BACK INTO YOUR BACKPACK. Good thing I didn't lose my DS. Now I would've been killed if that happened.) After that, we had to hop on another train. WTF!!!!????!!!! Finally (which is like a day or 2 later), we're strolling in the walkways of Germany. We come across a German candy shop. We bought lots of truffles! YUMYUMINMYTUMTUM! Biggrin We ate them FAST and I mean FAST!!!!!!!!!! Me, my sister, Mom, Dad, Grandpa, and my Grandma all went on the trip.
O yeah truffles! I've eaten those before.
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