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I had a problem uploading custom senery. Has any one else had a problem? No I can't upload some of my T-coaster's Steelworks
You need to be more descriptive than that... what's the problem you're having? What is the error you're getting?
On a side note I too am having a custom scenery problem...I can't get any custom scenery because i don't have the "style" folder for some reason. And when i made another folder called style and put another folder called "themed" in it, it still didn't work.
You have a style folder... It has got to be in the RCT3, If you got Gold you may have 2 RCT3 folders, should be in one of them..
(Feb 6, 2009, 10:23 PM)Tellesus Wrote: [ -> ]On a side note I too am having a custom scenery problem...I can't get any custom scenery because i don't have the "style" folder for some reason. And when i made another folder called style and put another folder called "themed" in it, it still didn't work.

Me too idont have one. Never mind about uploading for me, Belloman told me to upload my Steelworks in buldings. And Viscosity, I have RCT3 Platinum. Dose that affect it?
C:/Program Files/Atari/RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 (or similar)/Style/Themed

Try there.