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Full Version: Corrupt A Wish! [Forum Game]
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Granted,but when you answered 1,000,0,0,0,0 (not a number...) and your brain exploded.

I wish I had all the game consles in the world.
Granted, but they went KABOOM and pencils shot out at you.

I wish I knew more about college. :P
Granted. But what you learn is all lies.

I wish I had a car.
Granted, but it is wired with a nuclear device and when you turn the key you blow up yourself and all the states that surround where you live.

I wish I knew the secret behind the number sequence: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42
Granted. But the sequence changes as soon as you find out the secret.

I wish I had more tobasco. (I forgot how to spell it)
Granted.But your frends steal all.

I wish I had a Big Underground room whit all consoles and videogames
Granted, but the ceiling couldn't support the ground above it and collapses on you.

I wish I wish I was a fish.
Granted.But you drown to death.

I wish i have RCT4
Granted, but its a wtf boom.

I wish for nothing.
Granted, but then absolutely nothing exists anymore.

I wish I knew what good for absolutely nothing!