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Full Version: Corrupt A Wish! [Forum Game]
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Granted, but the cat downloads NoLimits 2.3 to your computer.

I wish that Han Solo didn't die...
Granted, but, there will never be any more Star Wars films.

I wish for some balloons.
Granted, But Niesch steals them.

I wish for a new computer.
Granted, but it is a TRS-80 Model 1 with only 4 k of ram and a cassette tape for program storage.

I wish to win a Build-It.
Granted, but the file is corrupted as soon as you win.

I wish people would appreciate ground shrubbery more in their projects lol
(You know who I'm talking to ;P )
Granted, then we see an upload of just shrubbery, in an empty park.

I wish for a fish on a dish.
Granted, but you also get salmonella that will NEVER leave.

@Chris ahemmmmm, I know who is gonna get it soon.

I wish for ChrisMDB to get what's coming to him. xD
Granted, but then he dies and we lose a friend.

I wish for drew to be nice.
Granted, but you start picking on your fellow student/coworkers after you feel they caused you wrong doing

I wish DJ Bluefire wasn't such a jerk in person
Granted, but you immediately become the worst jerk in history.

I wish I were good at stuff.