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Full Version: RCTgo Improvement Crew....?
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Okay so let me get something straight:

SuperGoldChicken, Me, and L0rdG1gabyt3 is in charge of Youtube.

Belloman is in charge of Twitter.

Coasterfreak900 might be in charge of Youtube also, so is Belloman.

while CoasterKid and SonicTheSilverHedgeHog are in charge of podcasts.

(Sorry for this random thread. :shy: )
Well, It helps, but wrong forum.
Ohhh.... I guess there's already enough people in charge of the Youtube Channel......

Yeah that's a good RCTgo Crew but Coasterkid and I will need a few more members for our podcasts.
We're not even sure whether we are starting a podcast yet, like Sonic said we haven't got enough people to help out.

I have got a few more ideas up my sleeve if the podcast doesn't work out Wink
I've moved this to the proper forum. Smile
Remember, Coasterfreek900 has the password, so he is considered part of the youtube team.
I'd be willing to help out with the Twitter account.