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Hi guys, me again! The one with the ideas.

I've been away for a few days, well thats a lie, but y'know...

Thought up another idea for the site to hopefully increase the size of the community and make the site unique from all the other RCT fansites out there.

How about, RCTgo's very own internet radio station live on the site! I have had some, little experience in this before. It is quite costly, but luckily I still have the software to enable us to broadcast. Wink

Just think while your browsing the forums your listening to RCTgo radio! Obviously, the show will play music and maybe some interviews and exclusive competitions here and there...

Like I said, I have SOME knowledge on how to do this. I also know how to have two DJ's broadcasting at same, if anyone wants to join me.

If you guys aren't to keen on the idea, I'm gonna be setting up my own station anyway, and wouldn't mind if the show was embedded on the site to. The main auidience for my station is going to be 13 -17 year olds.

Erm, thanks.
Not a bad idea, but many people could disagree. What would a live radio broadcast do?
Well, for starters, it would make RCTgo completely unique from all the other RCT fansites.
For starters, yes. But we don't need one. We have threads and endless possibilities in them. We could post interviews and competitions in the threads. And for the music part, maybe someone wants to pull up itunes and listen to something they like.
Very true, but hey, just an idea dude! Tongue Not even sure on it myself at the minute!
Oh gee. This sounds like a cool idea but I have very little experience in broadcasting a radio show.
Hmm....I think we're pushing RCTgo's "upgrades" a bit too hard here.
I mean, a radio brodcast?
We already got Twitter, Youtube, and the trailer that I made.
Plus the vod/podcast (Is that still on the go BTW?).

It's a cool idea, but I think 94% of us here know how to handle a radio broadcast.
(And who'll be listening?)
I didn't recieve much interest in the podcast, SonicTheSilverHedgehog and I felt we needed more people to help.

However, if we did have a radio show, we could create a podcast from this every month with 'best bits'

I don't know where these ideas come from! I was preparing my own website for my radio show and just had the thought of RCTgo radio.

I wouldn't mind teaching a few of you how to use the radio software, for 'double DJ'ing'

Am I taking this whole improvement thing too far?
Just a tad.:s
Just a bit...
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