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Full Version: Permanent Daytime
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I played RCT3 years ago, right after it came out. I sort of remember there being a cheat or setting that would keep your park in permanent daytime, no night. But as this old brain would have it, can't remember for sure if it exists and if it does, how to do it

go into sandbox mode and click on the sun/moon icon on the top bar. then just click the sun and your done.... permanent daytime
this doesnt work in campaign or custom scenarios
(May 12, 2014, 10:42 AM)SUPER MOOSE93 Wrote: [ -> ]go into sandbox mode and click on the sun/moon icon on the top bar. then just click the sun and your done.... permanent daytime
this doesnt work in campaign or custom scenarios

Actually in scenarios you can go to the settings for your park opening and closing time, change them to 2:00 and 2:15 and make sure your sun icon is both the sun and the moon. Then when you open back up again it will stay day forever, and ever, and ever, and ever.
I’d have never thought of adjusting the time. In the resulting all-day mode, would this eliminate the sunrise and sunset flash as well as eliminating the night? I always get the flashes of lighting adjustment between days although I always play in day only.