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I will post 5 new riddles and questions each week along with the answers to the previous.
My first five :

1) There are 8 crows on a wall, a farmer shoots 1. How many remain?

2) If a dog has run half way into a forest how far must he run out?

3) Until I am measured
I am not known,
Yet how you miss me
When I have flown.
What am I?

4) If attempted in some countries, it is punishable. If committed, it is not punishable. What is it?

5) Forward I'm heavy,
backward I'm not.
What am I?

If you think you know any of answers please them below and see if you are correct.
For every question you answer right, you get 1 point. The first person to 15 points is crowned the Ub3r One.
1) 8 because when you shoot the cow, that doesn't mean he isn't on the wall anymore Smile
tikitiki Wrote:1) 8 because when you shoot the cow, that doesn't mean he isn't on the wall anymore Smile

1) 1 crow, If you were to shoot at crows they would fly away leaving the one that was shot Smile
Cluno Wrote:1) 1 crow, If you were to shoot at crows they would fly away leaving the one that was shot Smile

I thought you said cow not crow LOL
Weeee The week is up, answer time!

1) 1 crow

2) Half way out

3) Time

4) Suicide

5) Ton

More questions tomorrow!
I have a one:

What is more powerful than God
More evil than the devil
The rich need it
The poor have it
and if you eat it
nope...keep guessing...
water?? :roll:
Nope! Read the riddle very closely... I reveal the answer later today.
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