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Full Version: RCT3 Park still scanning
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I play RCT3 most of the time on my laptop in my house, and one of my parks named Odeon Park isn’t working. The file was corrupted (accidentally) by me on Microsoft Word and when i try to go to Load Game on Sandbox, there is a park named Odeon Park scanning for a long time (maybe forever). Can anybody help me with this?
Is anyone going to help me?
What happened to the file specifically that caused it to become corrupted? If you edited it in some way in Word, you could compare it to your park files that do work and see if you added/removed something that caused it to become unreadable.
I’ve tried to fix it, but won’t work. Everytime i open "Load Park", it will freeze for hours.
Do you have a .dat.bak file of the same name in Documents/RCT3/Parks? If you do, remove the .bak part and try that.
You will probably have to remove that file from the park folder or the game will continue trying to read it.