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I could come up with at lease 2711 ways that the future could turn out way better.

(I can't, really)
MEOW meow meow (i like to say balcony /)^3^(\ ) 2712
I never thought if I liked to say balcony. 2713
2714 more hours until RCTgo becomes so popular Justin will make everyone who has more than 30 reps to a mod. (Only saying, I know this wont happen and im not asking.)
How about more than 41?

No Alex, im 2716
You ain't 2716 or 2717. You be 32.
how about he makes people that he TRUSTS mods, that seems more fair than over 41 rep 2718
Like us 3 ^.^ Unfortunately he wont...1 mod is plenty...^.^
2719 more days until HE comes...
2720 days you'll rue the day you lost THE GAME