I've never said anything to him that he should quit RCT3. And if he quits only because he can't deal with some rude feedback than this is his decision.
The post from "KoasterKing205" is really inappropriate and doesn't matter because it's the "FAKE" account and not the opinion from the "real" one.
So this person/post is busted and doesn't count!
SuperMoose93 didn't wrote that he should quit RCT3, he only agreed with toofpikk.
Only his opinion, not more or less.
Toofpikk wrotes only that other sites have an age restriction and that's often an good idea.
We (including myself) don't expect to much from him, i speak for myself that i judge everyone as fair as possible, with my knowledge of "real" coasters and amusement park experience.
But i judge only this way if members create/build things like as close as realistic. And if people build unreal stuff, than they will become harsh criticsm from me. If they wrote right before that they build an fantasy one, than i don't judge the real aspect of it and judge about atmosphere and style, like on Silvarrets Sci-Fi Coaster "Protos". (only scenary/theming is unrealistic)
If i like it, than i'll give positive feedback, unrealistic or not.
@aecrouch7413: (other thread's post)
Everyone of us (toofpikk, myself) have WIP's and uploads here, so "everyone" can leave us feedback (positive/negative), too!
So all of you can judge over us or over our work. And if the feedback is comprehensible than we can deal with criticsm, rude or not.
The thing while i am beeing really harsh against chima is the reason that he still can't deal with criticsm and doesn't learn to play fair. Past stuff is over but still not sorted out, there are still copied works from other creators for download on his profile.
All these little bad things from him in the past aren't forgotten so YES i judge him way harder than other people here. And alot of other members tried to give him constructive criticsm/hints/tips in the past, but in the end he do his own thing.
A fact, while alot of older members doesn't give any feedback about his work.
Because it's wasted time.
If he has a reason while he doens't use the tips that we gave than it would be fine, but most of the time members become only stupid answers.
little example:
blu wrotes he could use Webers Aged footers (simple round footers) for a coaster
-> answer: "i don't build a B&M

Sry if we become these kind of answers if we give him helpful tips which cso he could use in which situation, than its not a suprise that alot of us ignore his work.
Why we should give him feedback if he allways said something like "we" aren't right, we didn't have knowledge, we are so bad, or any other pointless answer. That is even not fair against the members which try to help him.
The only thing where i say
"sorry" is the part "he will never learn it"!
That was bad from my side!
If he get's older he'll learn to take criticsm in a more buisness way than to personally.
With this in mind, maybe a timeout/break from the game could be helpful to think all over it.
But i'll never said that he should quit the game, it would help if he would be less childrish all over and should think twice before he post anything.
And if some of you would take a look allover this forum than you will see that i try to help "never" people in a normal/friendly way first. Which one of you (not aecrouch7413) did something for new members?
If we take a look into "interduce yourself" than we will see that alot of members can't even wrote "Hello and welcome" to new ones. Most of the time allways the same members say "hello".
Also the helping work like posting links or other stuff: most of the time the same members (incuding myself).
So yeah i think i'll have a special status here.
I'm not the most liked person, but helpful and fair! That should be enough.
If someone is nice to me, than i'm nice too. If someone think he could threat me (happend in the past via PM), than i kick his lime off.
Deal with that or ignore me and my feedback.
I have "nothing" against someone here in a personally way, becuase i don't know you from reallife.
If i don't like someones "work", than i'll say it. If i like it, the same.
But everything is allways about the "work" not the "person" behind it.
If someone understands it the wrong wy, than i'm sorry.
But pls learn the differents, thanks.