everything electrical on earth exploded into a million peices, even the animals with microchips put in them, they splatted like a.....
current projects-Drayton Manor-50%
-Island P4XX
gazelle on steroids....which was
quite funny considering the steriods were actuly Memory enhancing drugs that made peaple see things that were not real and imagine things that didnt really happen.so what reallyu happend to the man was...........
he wasnt really there, just indoors watching The Simpsons, which kinda brought him back to reality, but....
he wanted something more...somthing more exciting...more fun...something like...............
break dancing...he was good but he couldnt do the moneuvre which involves...
jumping with a turkey. but soon after he was....
doing the Caterpillar crawl with one stuck on his head, instead of going forward, he went in an arc shape, and ended up breaking his neck on a piece of...
sticky toffee apple, He cryed out with the loudest scream of pain and.....