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Brenton Park - Printable Version

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Brenton Park - Julian141 - Feb 18, 2006

Brenton Park

Sorry about the name, I was running out of ideas. This is a park I've been working on for a while now. I've uplaoded some screenshots of the park (so far) in action, here is an overview of the park:

[Image: overview1vi.png]

The Pool Complex:

[Image: poolcomplex9hv.png]

The "Crazy Canyon" as I call it:

[Image: crazycanyon4vw.png]

... And my "Mini Town" section:

[Image: minitown4oe.png]

Hope you like it, please tell me what you like and don't like, thanks!

RE: Brenton Park - Endoftheworld - Feb 18, 2006

You should delete the red fence around the statue of the lady. Otherwise, looks good! Smile

RE: Brenton Park - G-Force Junkie - Feb 19, 2006

I love the crazy canyon shot, thats my favorite.I feel you should widen the paths if you can so the peeps have more room to wander, just open it up abit, and maybe colour your waterslides in different colours.Other than that im very impressed m8.Nice to see some fresh ideas about.

RE: Brenton Park - Towersdude - Feb 19, 2006

your waterslide stations are very long considering they only require the one piece to work

RE: Brenton Park - Julian141 - Feb 19, 2006

Thanks for all your comments everyone! Yeh the long waterslide station is pointless, but I found I couldn't put a stairs there because there was no space. Anyway I've changed the colour of the slides, I think its a little better now.

[Image: multicolouredpoolslides0ht.png]

PS: The fences around the statue have gone endoftheworld, thanks!

RE: Brenton Park - rct3x - Feb 19, 2006

Looking Great!

If you theme the stations for the slides, then the pool area will be great!

RE: Brenton Park - Beelitz - Feb 19, 2006

I think it looks swell!!! Have you thoght about using some of Pumper's Steelworkx supports?
Or any other custom stuff?

RE: Brenton Park - Towersdude - Feb 19, 2006

ive just noticed - the end of the blue slide looks cool!

the whole park is looking great!

RE: Brenton Park - Julian141 - Feb 19, 2006

Thanks for all your comments, they are appreciated! Now would be the right time to ask about custom scenery and I'm guessing that Pumpers Steelworks Supports is custom scenery? How does custom scenery work, I'm very new to it, if someone could give me a download link and a point in the right direction it would help alot. Thanks, oh and this is just anouther screenshot of a little kiddies coaster I made:

[Image: runawaytrain8sj.png]

RE: Brenton Park - Gamesonline - Feb 19, 2006

The park lools great.
I really like how you have set out the water slides and
I like how you have built the buildings.
Just one question, do you have wild?