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Newport Pleasure Gardens - Contest Begins (9-12-11) - Printable Version

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RE: Newport Pleasure Gardens - DutchBros - Apr 19, 2011

Thanks for the comment back but i cant wait to see the park in the future

RE: Newport Pleasure Gardens - gci2011 - Apr 19, 2011

Thank you both! More of Hill Runner is shown below.


Managed to get back to the park today. Check it out!

[Image: shot0721.jpg]
Looks like the park has added more maps since last year.

[Image: shot0688.jpg]
The best part of Newport Pleasure Railway is when it goes over the water.

[Image: shot0723.jpg]
I managed to get a front-seat ride on Hill Runner! The wait wasn't too bad, but longer than last time.

[Image: shot0699.jpg]
I'd never seen this restaurant before, so I stopped in. They had great burgers!

[Image: shot0695.jpg]
I ended the day with a ride on Crawfish Island River Excursion.

It was another great day at the park! I'll be back soon with more pictures!

Bye for now,

RE: Newport Pleasure Gardens - gci2011 - Apr 21, 2011


Hey guys!

I'm working on our family's annual Summer Scrapbook this year, so I decided that it wouldn't be right not to include Newport Pleasure Gardens! Plus, it gave me a great excuse to head back to the park and take a lot of pictures!

[Image: shot0753.jpg]
I headed back to Mine Town right away. It was surprisingly busy! Unfortunately, it was raining a bit.

[Image: shot0752.jpg]
I don't remember seeing this waterfall last time.

[Image: shot0748.jpg]
The weather cleared up long enough for me to get a ride on Rising Smoke.

[Image: shot0749.jpg]
I also snagged a few rides on Hill Runner.

[Image: shot0742.jpg]
By the time I got off, the rain was starting up again.

[Image: shot0754.jpg]
I decided not to wait around for it to clear up, so I headed out.

Overall, I got some good pictures, and managed a few rides on Hill Runner and Rising Smoke. I just wish it had been a longer day!

I'll be back soon!

RE: Newport Pleasure Gardens - gci2011 - Apr 25, 2011


Hey everybody!

Today was a very interesting day at the park! I witnessed a ride malfunction for the first time, and caught a glimpse of something exciting! Check it out:

[Image: shot0759.jpg]
I started out the day with a ride on Monstrum. What can I say, it was awesome!

[Image: shot0745.jpg]
As I got off the ride, I saw this across the midway; Tree Gliders was smoking!

[Image: shot0746.jpg]
It wasn't long before a crowd formed to watch the malfunction.

[Image: shot0747.jpg]
Luckily, though, it was only a few minutes before mechanics were able to fix it, and everyone got off safely.

[Image: shot0722.jpg]
I took a ride on Dream Tower after that, and saw this!

What could the park be up to now? I'll be headed back to the park soon to find out more.

Have a great day,

RE: Newport Pleasure Gardens - DiarugaCoasters - Apr 25, 2011

Yay, more new stuff!!!!

RE: Newport Pleasure Gardens - gci2011 - Apr 26, 2011

^Yay Smile

Hey guys,

I went out to the park today to try to get some more pictures of the cleared area. There was no new progress, but I expect we'll see an announcement soon as the season is almost up. Other than that, it was another rainy day at the park today. Take a look:

[Image: shot0762.jpg]
I started out my day with a ride on Hill Runner. The ride really is growing on me!

[Image: shot0744.jpg]
Once the rain started in, however, Mine Town started to clear out.

[Image: shot0728.jpg]
It was already pouring by the time I'd taken a few pictures.

[Image: shot0733bmp.jpg]
The only thing scarier than Monstrum? Skies like those!

[Image: shot0741.jpg]
At least these guys are covered!

[Image: shot0729.jpg]
I wasn't the only one heading out of the park after that.

I'm gonna try to get back to the park once more, but I'll have to see what I can do. I'm expecting more homework now that I'm a sophomore, but we'll see. I'll do my best to get in one more visit!


RE: Newport Pleasure Gardens - Coasteriffic - Apr 27, 2011

Yay, another new update! Smile Great park.


RE: Newport Pleasure Gardens - gci2011 - Apr 27, 2011


Hey guys,

Today was my last day at the park for the season. Nothing too exciting while I was there, but I did see something in the paper. Looks like the park is already planning for next year. I've got a picture, but other than that, I was busy riding everything one last time.

[Image: shot0718.jpg]
For the last day of the season, the park was actually pretty busy.

[Image: shot0698.jpg]
Looks like the park is running one last train on Monstrum.

[Image: shot0761.jpg]
The rides in Mine Town are a lot of fun, but the area sure is nice too.

[Image: shot0760c.jpg]
Hill Runner really was a great addition to the park this year.

[Image: shot0750.jpg]
I had to get a few rides in for myself after that!

[Image: shot0737.jpg]
The view from the pier is simply stunning.

It sure will be a long winter, but I can't wait to see what the park adds for next year! On that note, look at what made front page news:

[Image: shot0735.jpg]

We'll have to wait and see!

See you next year,

RE: Newport Pleasure Gardens - DiarugaCoasters - Apr 27, 2011

Can't wait for the next season!!!

RE: Newport Pleasure Gardens - DutchBros - Apr 29, 2011

I try to get boulder leisure park to work but for some reason it keeps crashing me and makes me so mad
cant wait for next season to .