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Billboards sizes - Printable Version

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Billboards sizes - Blubb - Jul 30, 2013

I've started with placing billboards in my park. But the only sizes for the billboards i could find were these:

512 pixels wide x 128 pixels tall
512 pixels wide x 64 pixels tall
256 pixels wide x 256 pixels tall
256 pixels wide x 128 pixels tall
128 pixels wide x 512 pixels tall
128 pixels wide x 256 pixels tall
64 pixels wide x 512 pixels tall
64 pixels wide x 256 pixels tall

Now i'm wondering which one is which? I mean like the 3x1 4x1 4x2 etc sizes.
Does anyone have a complete list for me?

RE: Billboards sizes - FlightToAtlantis - Jul 30, 2013

It just takes a little math and the assumption that 64 represents 1.

If 64 is 1,
then 128 is 2,
256 is 4 and
512 is 8.

Therefore, a 128 x 256 billboard is a billboard that’s 2x4.

RE: Billboards sizes - Blubb - Jul 30, 2013

I just figured something like that out haha. 128px x 128px = 1 sqaure in rct3.

Thnx for your reply.