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RCT3 deluxe - windows 8 - Printable Version

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RCT3 deluxe - windows 8 - SniperY2K - Nov 10, 2013


Brand new laptop running windows 8 and RCT3 doesn't work Frown
Anyone else had this?

Installed RCT/soaked/wild. Then tried uninstalling and starting again but soaked wouldn't uninstall lol

God knows what to do. Help please! Thanks in advance x

Nobody able to help?

RE: RCT3 deluxe - windows 8 - FlightToAtlantis - Nov 11, 2013

I’ve only found out recently that it’s possible to set an overlay in Windows8 so that RCT3 will play as if it’s in Windows7, Vista or XP. It seems the overlay can be set so just the application(s) you want play in it.

Did Soaked! partially uninstall and then a message displayed saying it couldn’t complete uninstallation? If so, try reinstalling Soaked! If a partial uninstall took place, during Soaked! reinstallation a message may come up asking if you want to repair the Soaked! installation. Select “Yes” or “O.K.”

After Soaked! is sorted then reinstall Wild! I’ve never owned Windows8 or have used overlays but after reinstalling Wild! you’d need to set the overlay so it runs in either Windows7 or Vista.