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Missing CS Help - Printable Version

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Missing CS Help - Elmer BeFuddled - Nov 18, 2013

If anyone read my first post in the "Intoduce yourself" forum you will have seen that I was bemoaning the fact I couldn't open three downloaded ride files as they immediately shut down RCT3 due to (my guess) missing unlisted cso's (I was right!).

I also stated that I preferred ride downloads to be a park file as you could then easily see which cs you were missing by using the ParkCleanUp Tool.

I discovered today that by following the standard instructions for the DATCSO tool, but instead of putting a park file (*.dat) in its folder, I could put a coaster ride file (*.trk) in there, change its file extension from *.trk to *.dat and the DATCSO tool reads it a treat!
So I can now easily see which is the offending (by not being there!) CS.

This may be common knowledge to you regular stalwarts of RCT3 but I was quite chuffed to discover this! It will now be my first action on any future downloaded ride files.

Now. Of the three rides mentioned I can open two of them. The third still closes down RCT3.

So to the missing CS.
I'm in need of ViscositySupports&Stuff. If anyone one would be kind enough to pass me a copy. I've done goggle searches** and the only places I'm getting links to is where it's enclosed in a "mega-pack" torrent file. Getting a link to those torrent sites is nigh on impossible as they are all "blocked" to save my moral integrity from being corrupted by making me a thief.

Not needed for the ride but two other CS packs I've been unable to locate anywhere** if anyone has them and would be kind enough etc. etc. are Puzzled5543Designs_BrickWalls and Puzzled5543Designs_BrickDiagonals

Many Thanks in advance for any help locating these sets/passing them along to me.

** My goggle powers must be waning, even though I've tried various search terms.