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TheCodeMaster's Vekoma Suspended Looping Coaster - Printable Version

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TheCodeMaster's Vekoma Suspended Looping Coaster - nathan8848 - Feb 28, 2014

I have successfully downloaded this CTR but when building the ride, the coaster can not do an inverted regular corkscrew. The ride can do a regular Inverted Corkscrew but it is a large version.

Can someone help on how to get a regular inverted corkscrew for this CTR? This CTR looks really good if it was an option.

Edit: Here is the link if anyone wants to see it.

RE: TheCodeMaster's Vekoma Suspended Looping Coaster - SUPER MOOSE93 - Mar 1, 2014

it might not have the option, but if it does, wouldnt you have to be upside down for it to be an option?

RE: TheCodeMaster's Vekoma Suspended Looping Coaster - nathan8848 - Mar 1, 2014

The ride comes with for corkscrews: regular corkscrew L/R and inverted large corkscrew L/R. The regular corkscrew is supposed to be inverted.

RE: TheCodeMaster's Vekoma Suspended Looping Coaster - SUPER MOOSE93 - Mar 2, 2014

i will take a look in a bit and see if i have the same problem

looks like its not an option