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(WIP) - Rising Nature (GCI) RCT 2 with CSO - Printable Version

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(WIP) - Rising Nature (GCI) RCT 2 with CSO - Cheleste - Mar 23, 2014

After using "Ardy's Park Competition" Thread for some Preview's about the CSO-Creation of "Rising Nature", i thought it would be time to open up an seperately thread to show you whats going on.

First, "Rising Nature" was build for Ardy's Park "Boonesville" and normaly i'm not good in wooden-coasters.
To know better how to build an GCI-Woody, i takeing looks to "real" GCI's, exspecially "Renegade @ Valleyfair".
But an Re-Creation was no option for Ardy's Park-Challenge, so the Coaster has some parts that near exactly as Renegade, and parts that are custom.
In the end -> "Rising Nature" was born, and after looking to the results i was blowing away how good it was.
After the happy time i saw that GCI-Woodys have an different support-style than this what i've created in Ardy's Park.
The only choice was, to use an "RCT-2 CSO Workbench" and build this Coaster again to become an more "real" look.
And this Project is the result of all Smile, so big thx "Ardy" for this, without your idea of an RCT-2 Park-Competition, i've never create this coaster.

Okay, enough talk!
Current status of "Rising Nature"

Overview & Results:
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4160]
Close to the 9, i think its possible to come over it, because so much foliage/terraforming are left to do Smile

Station front/back:
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4161]

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4162]

Entrance, Shops & Stalls:
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4163]
As you can see, i build an Ice-Cream-Shop "Dippin Dips" Tongue -> a little bit bigger than the one beside of Renegade.
Also an T-Shirt-Stall is there and an "fake" Photo-Stall, where in real the guests can buy there On-Ride-Photo.
I tried to create this tunnel for the entrance, below the track. It's okay but not perfect.

Lifthill Close-Ups:
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4164]
Here you have an better look to the custom supports, i build two tunnels, first one is on the first Air-time Hill, the second one is where the train crosses the Lifthill.
In the Background is an little Rockwork with an Waterfall, the Waterfall isn't real -> there is a pump besides the pond, and after the rock-formation big steel-tubes pushes the water to the top of the rock.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4165]
Other side of the Lifthill, where you can see the backside of the transfertrack building and more custom supports.
That's it for the first!

Importent for me to say is, that with some "hacks" the looking could be even better, but "hack-Coaster-Creations" wont work on other ones RCT-Games.
All Buildings comes seperatly as an "Car-Ride" Scenary, so everyone that downloads it, when its finsihed can completly rebuild this coaster an can use it on other parks -> if there is enough space/money there Biggrin

Hope you like/enjoy it.
There is still work to do, but i'm on it. So next time you will see Foliage around the coaster, and an restaurant near the entrance-plaza.

Feedback/Criticsm/Suggestons are allways welcome Tongue

Lg Cheleste

RE: (WIP) - Rising Nature (GCI) RCT 2 with CSO - the-big-cheese - Mar 23, 2014

Very cool! Renegade is such a fun ride.