RCTgo Forums
Why I like this site so much....how about you? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Why I like this site so much....how about you? (/thread-19559.html)

Why I like this site so much....how about you? - aecrouch2016 - Sep 5, 2014

1. This is the first site I have been on where people actually respond and help.
Most of the time people are respectful.
2. Every once in awhile, I read about comments that are not respectful so I try to stay out of the line of fire.
3. Many people have taught me how to do things or gave me a link to a tutorial so I could learn.
4. People are respectful about copy right and authors who create cso, cfr, ctr.
5. I try to be encouraging because a few positive words can have an impact. Words can hurt. And maybe cause someone not to try any more with this great game and site.
6. People give good feedback from my experience. I may not agree with them all the time, but how can I learn if I don't get feedback that helps.
Well, I'll stop here for now.SmileBiggrinCool
Thanks Justin for making such a great website.

RE: Why I like this site so much....how about you? - Cobra - Sep 5, 2014

Well i like this site, too.

The reason why are the easyness/simpleness of the site/forum itself against other sites.
Example: RCT-Lounge, i think the lounge is a bit weird in its own and have no download-section.

The download option/section here is another reason why i like it.
Only the small amount of RCT-1 & RCT-2 players is a bit sad, but i can deal with that, infact that i use NE-Design if i want to look at creations build with the od games of it.

I agree with aecrouch7413 that most of the time the members are respectful to each other and try to help. That's really importent, because the size of the RCT community isn't really big.
So every new member could be a talent and is an kind of the RCT or NL or TPS (in the future) community.

Justin did an great job on this site, especially that we have an unlimited use for screens and downloads.
That isn't normal, because Justin pays for the server he uses for this site.
So a big thanks to him for that.

What i miss sometimes, is an moderator/co-admin that checks the uploads/threads/posts and members. What i've seen in the past were "fake-accounts", "stolen tracks" or "copy's" of it and uploads from other ones stuff without the permissions or the clearly shown up about it!
With some mods here it would be easier to clean out the "bad" stuff from the site.
Because Justin has his own life (maybe with family/kids) and can't spend all his time only for this site every day.
I know, there is an mod (coasterfreak900), but his activity is pretty rar and i think it would be time for a new/another one.

I wished, there were more "official" contests aside from build-it, maybe:
- create a station
- theme it
- create a building/theme
- special coaster contests (only Intamin's/Arrow's/B&M's)

Because we have a lot of members, but not all are good in everything. Some are good in realistic layouts/coasters, others are good in building stations/architecture, and other ones are great with foliage/landscaping.

In build-it you have only a chance if you are more/less a pro in everthing.
And "no one" is an pro in everything.
With other special contests, members could be shown up there work with only there special talent.
I know there are some "unofficial" contests here, but sry this isn't really an option.
Contests should be created from the site-admin itself with rules and all the stuff around.
It's nice that some members starts different contests, but everything that isn't "official" isn't interesting for new members, i think.
And most of the time these threads will be overseen in fact of there "unofficialness".

Anyway, RCTgo is a great site that combines a forum with an download section and an good amount of RCT fans/players.

Soo long, Cobra Cool