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Flux style mega park+download - Printable Version

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Flux style mega park+download - brandonmarks94 - Oct 8, 2014

hey guys i just watched building the mega park and coop build of fluxtrance and dakundar (respectively) and i wanted to make my own mega park (just not as big cause flux's was gigantic) mine is gonna be 200x200 and i already have the entrance done

what do you guys think so far?

btw i included a copy of the entrance so you can have a go at it, its basically a sandbox but you need the wacky worlds expansion (for some reason time twister wont work for me so i cant use any of the stuff that came with it) so here you are guys have at it

RE: Flux style mega park+download - Cheleste - Oct 8, 2014

Not that bad, but way to much fountains. Fountains are nice, but not to much of them, especially the Addon ones.

I would recommend that you didn't use any scenary objects from the addons.
Most RCT2 player prefer the original one, this counts also for most of the NE-Design members. Only a few of them (myself too) have RCT2+Addons.
So we can watch the parks after builing it. But the bigger part of the community can't watch the parks, because they didn't buy the Addon-packs.

Also i would use more variety for the flowers and the geometric bushes. Allways the same looks boring for the peeps and us. Check out some park-projects on NE-Design to learn how a entrance could be build in a more realistic way.

For example:
"Starpointe" by Pacificcoaster
[Image: starpointe]
