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2.0 Brings Record-Breaking Bandwidth for RCTgo - Printable Version

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2.0 Brings Record-Breaking Bandwidth for RCTgo - Justin - Mar 1, 2006

At exactly 12:00 AM GMT last night, it was the beginning of a new month, March. However, this means that the bandwidth counter was reset, as usual, at the beginning of March. I happened to be looking at cPanel just before it reset, and the bandwidth used was record-breaking for RCTgo, meaning RCTgo had never reached this much before - 8.11 Gigabytes. I wanted to tell you that in January 2006, before 2.0, at our old host, we used about 1.5-2 GB of bandwidth (I'm not quite sure the exact amount). Obviously, we have used about 4 times the amount in February that we had used in January.

As you know, the last day of January was RCTgo's 1 year birthday, and the official release date of RCTgo 2.0. This clearly means that RCTgo 2.0 has helped RCTgo grow like never before. Smile

As time goes on, we will surely grow, and I'll be sure to tell you of future bandwidth growth marks. Just in one day, we have used 810.83 Megabytes of bandwidth.

Sincerely Yours,
- Belloman

RE: 2.0 Brings Record-Breaking Bandwidth for RCTgo - kodaks - Mar 1, 2006

Way to go Belloman, keep up the great work! Smile

RE: 2.0 Brings Record-Breaking Bandwidth for RCTgo - Nova - Mar 1, 2006

Congrattttttttttttulations!!! 8D8D8D

RE: 2.0 Brings Record-Breaking Bandwidth for RCTgo - leatherface - Mar 2, 2006

Awesome Biggrin

RE: 2.0 Brings Record-Breaking Bandwidth for RCTgo - DraytonMonkey - Mar 2, 2006

Wow that is great news


RE: 2.0 Brings Record-Breaking Bandwidth for RCTgo - Sevey13 - Mar 11, 2006

Very, very cool.

RE: 2.0 Brings Record-Breaking Bandwidth for RCTgo - jordanwb - Mar 16, 2006

I've never used more than half at mine. Frown