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RCT3 The Fire Blazer (NEW SIDE PROJECT) - Printable Version

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RCT3 The Fire Blazer (NEW SIDE PROJECT) - naveisawesome - Jun 6, 2015

Hey everyone!
So I'm proud to announce that I have started a side project of mine on RCT3, and it is named after the first coaster I ever created, in RCT2
I have some photos of the track layout, and its going to be a rocky/fire/metallic/industrial theme
If anyone knows some good sets for me to use, or wants to give feedback on my first ever coaster with a CTR, please go ahead and do so

RE: RCT3 The Fire Blazer (NEW SIDE PROJECT) - naveisawesome - Jun 10, 2015

The land is done!

ugh something got messed up in the screenshot, sorry