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How much does NL1 and NL2 cost? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: How much does NL1 and NL2 cost? (/thread-21199.html)

How much does NL1 and NL2 cost? - BlazingEmpireHD - Nov 30, 2015

NL1 and 2 looks absolutely amazing, I feel like I could make many good coasters and possibly win a Build It! round. How much does it cost, and would it work on a Windows 7 HP?

RE: How much does NL1 and NL2 cost? - nathan8848 - Nov 30, 2015

A very quick google search says it's $25.99 on steam. That's 35% off normal price, due to Cyber Monday deal.

RE: How much does NL1 and NL2 cost? - Drew_ - Nov 30, 2015

theyre also free by using other methods.......... also nolimits has a sharp learning curve so dont expect to make something amazing on your first few attempts.

RE: How much does NL1 and NL2 cost? - Maverick360 - Dec 2, 2015

Yes, NL2 is expensive, but worth the price!

RE: How much does NL1 and NL2 cost? - aecrouch2016 - Dec 2, 2015

This is from their direct website http://www.nolimitscoaster.com/buynow.phpbut
I think Steam is having a sale http://store.steampowered.com/app/301320/