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I keep getting good notifications... - Printable Version

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I keep getting good notifications... - BlazingEmpireHD - Dec 5, 2015

People keep sendin' me notes saying 'You are awesome at creating scenarios.' 

People, I am NOT awesome at creating scenarios. Sure, there are a couple that are worthy of even being good.

If you want realistic, awesome looking parks, go check out the 'New Element' parks. They are absolutely insane.

I am just a small RCT2 lover. My creations aren't worth praising.

Well, if ya have any questions, suggestions, or comments about my creations, feel free to ask.

(Amaretto Gardens - December 25th)

RE: I keep getting good notifications... - Davvid - Dec 6, 2015

Well, i don't care about the 'New Element' parks. I think that you are better than me in many ways.

RE: I keep getting good notifications... - Maverick360 - Dec 6, 2015

Yeah, it's nice to be humble and all, but you really are good!

RE: I keep getting good notifications... - BlazingEmpireHD - Dec 6, 2015

Thanks guys. Smile

RE: I keep getting good notifications... - ChrisMDB - Dec 6, 2015

While there may be better (I haven't found any) yours are certainly something to be praised. Being humble is nice however people who self critique are often too hard on themselves, judge yourself and your creations based on how the masses rate them. (I'm not saying take everything they say as the fact about your stuff but if everyone says your stuff is good, it's probably good lol)

RE: I keep getting good notifications... - BlazingEmpireHD - Dec 6, 2015

@ChrisMDB, well, I guess I can consider 3 people a 'mass'. I like my work, I think they're good. But I still don't think they are great. Despite getting several messages saying HOW great they are.

It does, however, make me happy when I get happy notices. Biggrin

I will continue to post scenarios and rides for a LONG time. Because I say that my scenarios/rides aren't great doesn't mean I have to stop. :3

And I will get better as time goes on. Wink

Thanks everyone!

RE: I keep getting good notifications... - ChrisMDB - Dec 6, 2015

@BlazingEmpireHD - I think you got my point though xD Glad to hear you'll stick around though, love your work! HOPEFULLY I can get back on the scene soon what with Christmas approaching.