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+--- Thread: Help!!! (/thread-2122.html)

Help!!! - Tiamat1990 - Jul 4, 2005

okay...so i make my park hilly right, i put down a shop...and its floating!!!

people can get to it but it looks ugly!! same thing happens with the rides!!!

how can you make it normal!!! :cry:

- rct3x - Jul 4, 2005

Use the 'Shift' key to raise and lower rides, shops etc... Try not to make the land to bumpie, make it smooth. I usually build everything first, then do the landscaping.

- Tiamat1990 - Jul 5, 2005

already tried the shift key...the land is smooth, i raised it a bit so i can have a really deep crrater thing then i smoothed it out but still doesnt work

i do that as well...building first but then the paths screw up

- rct3x - Jul 5, 2005

I cant really help then! Sorry Frown

- Tiamat1990 - Jul 6, 2005

thanks anyhoo Biggrin

i just decided to make flat parks(as ugly as it looks at least my buildings arent floating)

- duopolist - Jul 21, 2005

<banned -Tikitiki>

- Ryan Gordon - Jul 21, 2005

As lame as they could go, hmph