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RCT3 Transfer Track - Can someone make a tutorial please. - Printable Version

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Transfer Track - Can someone make a tutorial please. - aecrouch2016 - Dec 12, 2015

Can someone make a detailed tutorial on how to make a transfer track. (step by step). I've looked on YouTube and searched for images but nothing makes it easy to understand. I'm not sure why I'm confused. Thanks in advance.

RE: Transfer Track - Can someone make a tutorial please. - Nemesis - Dec 12, 2015

Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1Uzy8PP1S8

Make a different coaster with the same colour scheme for the transfer track.

RE: Transfer Track - Can someone make a tutorial please. - aecrouch2016 - Dec 12, 2015

Thanks, I will.

Looks like this is for an older system Windows XP. I'm on Windows 8.1, not sure I want to use the options.txt code without knowing for sure. It would be a great thing to have if I can get it to work right.

How do you actually use it in the game? It only shows you how to use the option.txt file
I've done a search but can't find anything that really shows how to use it in the game.

Caution using this option.txt file on windows 8.1
Something strange happened and I had to uninstall all of RCT3 and my cs.
I have to re-install everything!

RE: Transfer Track - Can someone make a tutorial please. - Nemesis - Dec 13, 2015

Go to this site: http://prntscr.com/9dloyi
Black track is roller coaster 1. Orange track is roller coaster 2. Roller coaster 2 is the transfer track.

RE: Transfer Track - Can someone make a tutorial please. - aecrouch2016 - Dec 13, 2015

Thanks for the help.

RE: Transfer Track - Can someone make a tutorial please. - Nemesis - Dec 13, 2015

No problem. Don't forget the transfer track needs to be the same colour as the normal track. *smiley face*

RE: Transfer Track - Can someone make a tutorial please. - aecrouch2016 - Dec 13, 2015

Just to clarify, these are 2 different tracks? Not the same track used to make the first? Or am I just adding a station using the same track? I hope you get what I'm saying.

RE: Transfer Track - Can someone make a tutorial please. - Nemesis - Dec 13, 2015

Yes, they're two different tracks, but with the same colour.

But if you search up 'roller coaster transfer track', you see they 90% of the time don't intersect.

When using transfer track, whether they intersect or not, always use another coaster of the same colour and type.

RE: Transfer Track - Can someone make a tutorial please. - aecrouch2016 - Dec 13, 2015

Found a great picture of a transfer track, etc.

RE: Transfer Track - Can someone make a tutorial please. - TW1ST3D_R3DN3CK1971 - Jun 21, 2017

file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Michael/My%20Documents/Downloads/transfertrack.url.htm.....   ok  maybe i can put some understanding in to this...refer to the pic...the car is on the main track (to the right top of pic)....the block brakes are behind the car. the other track going to the LOWER right is the transfer track. when the train or single car in this case needs maintenance, the operator will use the block brakes the track that is aimed to the upper right will slide to the left thus letting the car go to said transfer track hope this makes since. i would love to have someone make a set Biggrin