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Jetlag - Printable Version

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Jetlag - Slurp - May 7, 2017

RE: Jetlag - BlazingEmpireHD - May 7, 2017

Well...this is pretty good. The layout has some major issues though. A few of the inversions and turns would be neck snappers and that first barrel roll would fling a guy out the coaster. That MCBR did absolutely nothing, but eh, w/e.

This is still decent though, it's way better than we it could be. Good job.

RE: Jetlag - Slurp - May 7, 2017

This isn't me ne just put it on here cuz it real gud

RE: Jetlag - Slurp - May 7, 2017

It was made by my friend, who actually thinks this project is inferior to his other work. I'll make sure he uploads more videos onto his channel.

RE: Jetlag - ChrisMDB - May 7, 2017

The pacing on the coaster is absolutely awful... the scenery and foliage work look to be done well (more supporting than scenery though), and the terrapainting seems to have been executed well as well. Very smooth, although as stated before, major work needs to be done on the pacing of the coaster before it can be called 'great' (no coaster that isn't realistic enough to not kill people can be considered great in my eyes), and the interior of the station could use work as well.

RE: Jetlag - Slurp - May 8, 2017

New project l8r 2day

RE: Jetlag - BlazingEmpireHD - May 8, 2017

Fun. Will be waiting to see it.

RE: Jetlag - Slurp - May 8, 2017

Postponed :/
Computer is laaaaggy 
Taking me an eternity to do anything

RE: Jetlag - BlazingEmpireHD - May 9, 2017

I know the feeling..