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Vote for your favorite track! Round 265 - Printable Version

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Vote for your favorite track! Round 265 - Justin - May 30, 2017

[Image: buildit.png]

Round 265 Voting

It's time for another round of voting for RCTgo's Build It! Competition. Four more great entries are up for voting - below are the name and screenshot of each. It's now time for you to vote for your favorite track!

Let's have a great round!

#1: Vulture

[Image: 592b20f957a95.png]

#2: The Way Home 2

[Image: 592b24727296c.jpg]

#3: Party Monster

[Image: 592b42b0977f5.png]

#4: Desert Traveller

[Image: 592b5c9e9f193.png]

Voting is now open!

Voting will remain open until Tuesday, June 6

RE: Vote for your favorite track! Round 265 - Slurp - May 30, 2017

Huh, interesting round :/
I like Party Monster the most, seems the best option here but I might need time to decide.

RE: Vote for your favorite track! Round 265 - The Coaster Creator - May 30, 2017

I can't remember the last time we had this many RCT3 entries. This round look fairly even to me but let me jump into some CC. Please remember that this is my personal opinion and that it is only to help you as a player in the long run.

Vulture: This is an incredible entry and for doing it in just two weeks. The park blends together very well and the look of the station buildings for your rides is incredible. I love the fact that you created a whole park to go around the ride and didn't leave empty space around the ride. Everything about this park is great. 10/10

The Way to Home 2: This entry is okay however there are several problems. The supports on this coaster need major work. This looks to be a classic arrow looper and this is not what thief supports would have looked at. The candy things on the grass do not compliment the coaster that much. Other than that it is okay. 5/10

Party Monster: This is a really cool coaster but it does have its share of problems. First is the length. This is a short coaster. Second is the brake run. The ending looks very rushed on this coaster. The brakes begin to decelerate you and you hit a block brake that slice your speed down very fast. Third is the mountains. They don't look that realistic to me. This could be the way they are supposed to be but the could be a little more realistic. 7/10

Desert Traveller: Wow, this is awesome. For a NCS this blows my mind and definitely is awesome. I have one problem. It not even that big of a problem. To me it is just a little bland. Other than that it is perfect. 9/10

My vote goes to Vulture but Desert Traveller is such a close second. Best of luck to all. Happy Riding

RE: Vote for your favorite track! Round 265 - BlazingEmpireHD - May 30, 2017

Time for some CC!

I am going to exclude this from the round as this is rather unfair. The builder is using the entire park as his entry, when it really should just focus on the one coaster. This is not going to take my vote.

Remember, judge the coaster, not the actual park. To me, if you do not, that's unfair to the rest of the competitors.

For the actual coaster part, it's fairly decent maybe a bit simple, and too much of the same thing. 


The Way Home 2: 
I am also excluding this coaster from the round as well. The theming is great, but this is still very much a death coaster. Besides, the POV does not reveal anything extra. 


Party Monster: 
Not perfect, but not anything real great. It's just a hyper-coaster (rough at that), not even going around the huge mountain, and it's just a bunch of hills. Supports are flawless, and terra-everything is pretty good; though, everything else is kind of bland. You need to make a coaster interesting. This is still a pretty good entry, but I really want to see some more work put into this.


Desert Traveller:
This is easily the best entry this round. You may look at it and say, hey, it's just like every other coaster, but look closer, it's completely NCSO - No-custom scenery objects. (At least from what I've seen). The atmosphere is wonderful, the details are all there, and the coaster has an epic-smooth layout! 

If you compare the work taken to what is in the other three entries, how one looks rather plain, versus something like this that's so amazingly well executed, you'd know that  Desert Traveller is 100% the way to go. Feel free to vote for whoever you want, but Desert Traveller is without a doubt the best entry in this round. It will claim my vote. 


Good luck to everyone involved!

RE: Vote for your favorite track! Round 265 - ChrisMDB - May 30, 2017

So this round is more than likely going to be hyped up because of the 3D entries, but after looking at it they are really rather... well... gilded. What I guess I'm trying to say is that at first glance they look good, but 3 of the 4 all fall on their face after closer inspection. (Also please remember that this is simply my opinion, and that the majority of this is meant to help you improve as designers and builders, not to make me sound like a jerk. If this offends/annoys/upsets you in any way just PM me as I in no way intend to do so).

1. Vulture: At first I was impressed by the amount of work that went into this, and the amount of screenshots for the ride. Unfortunately I then realized that only the first four pictures are the coaster that was entered, the rest is showing the park off (trying to garner votes for work that wasn't entered? Idk). The way I view it is that you enter a ride (singular) into the competition, that may or may not be in the park, and you win or lose based off of that ride and the scenery/theming immediately around the ride. We enter rides, not parks, into Build-It! (although you can enter parks to keep terraforming with the ride obviously).

Anyway, the park looks great, I'm not trying to "hate" on that at all, but the ride itself that was entered really isn't that great. Sure there's custom supports and some nice landscaping, but little to no scenery which makes me think more could have been done with it. (That station is A-1 on point though). 7/10

2. The Way Home 2: I have no feedback for the coaster because it seems you followed the trend that the first entry started with entering a park, rather than a ride. The POV you've supplied doesn't even show the coaster, it takes us on a hot air balloon and train. The screenshots don't do a sufficient job of showing us your ride and definitely don't justify not including a POV. I can't give a score for the coaster (because I can't see most of it) but the line of inline-twists makes it look like another death coaster, so it is nowhere near a winner in my opinion.

[EDIT] - After seeing the POV it literally is a death coaster... for the future I suggest modeling your coasters after real-life counterparts (you can find layouts online and POV's on YouTube) until you learn how to make a realistic layout from scratch (unless your goal is to make them this way, which if it is you're doing an excellent job).

3. Party Monster: This looked like the best in the round when I had just looked at the initial screenshots, after looking at the others and this coaster's POV though I realized that this is battling for second at best.

The layout has a lot of problems such as; the wrong type of first drop for a B&M Hyper (you want the flat to gentle slope piece followed by the gentle to steep piece rather than the flat to steep transition that you used), a very uninspired turnaround, an MCBR (Mid-course brake run) that occurs after the coaster has gone over two hills, a pair of curves that would kill riders from the G-forces they experience, and a brake run that would kill any surviving riders.

As for the terrain/landscaping, this looks like what you'd expect from a NCSO coaster (no offense to the fourth entry), because of how basic it is.

Scenery-wise this coaster isn't bad... the station could use some work but everything to make the coaster look like a realistic B&M 2nd Gen. Hyper is there.

Basically, work on the terraforming, make a longer, safer, layout and you should be fine. This has great promise but looks like it was either rushed or (no offense) lazily put together because the builder began to lose interest. Had this been developed to its full potential it would likely have been my pick to win this round, however; it became a learning experience instead and perhaps that's even more valuable.

In its current state I'd give it a 5/10, it almost perfectly nails the realism elements with the scenery (also I forgot you need more ground scrubs/shrubs/bushes/whateveryou'dliketocallthem), however it is extremely lackluster in other areas and resembles a death coaster to some extent.

4. Desert Traveller: Honestly, I had no idea what to expect when I first looked at this. The only thing I knew I'd find that was present (other than the terrible looking vanilla station block) were the headchoppers that look too close to the track to be safe, but since I know they're safe (RCT3 literally won't let you put them where they'd kill people) they're ok. Scenery-wise this is probably the best I've ever seen from a vanilla entry (or vanilla project period), and the "custom" supports even look nicely done. Layout-wise I have really nothing to add. Overall I'd give this a 10/10, it is a complete coaster with no real flaws.

RE: Vote for your favorite track! Round 265 - Larry591 - May 31, 2017

No offense or disrespect intended here, but honestly, I'm not a huge fan of any of these except one. But I'll attempt to give my thoughts on each:

Vulture: The park it was built in looks nice, but the coaster itself feels very lackluster. There's minimal scenery aside from the station and occasional custom supports, and the layout is extremely basic and uninteresting. Like Chris said, it's the coaster that matters most in this competition, not the park.

The Way Home 2: I see I'm not the only one who themes with Giant Candy from time to time. But throwing down candy trees and brightly-colored walls does not automatically a great roller coaster make. I think this coaster's layout is, for lack of a better phrase, messier than a puddle of melted lollipops all over the kitchen table. It has way too many inversions, and looks like it's blasting through them at speeds that would kill the average rider. It also looks like it's going through the same one a whole bunch of times in a row at some points, which I think is beyond overkill; generally 2 of the same in a row is good enough. Overall, I don't see this winning the competition, and I'm also having a hard time believing it really has an Excitement rating of 8.66 unless the designer used a cheat or trainer to accomplish that.

Party Monster: Similar to Vulture, it seems nicely themed, but the coaster design itself looks unremarkable. The first part of the ride is literally a hill, followed by a hill, followed by a 180-degree turn, followed by more hills, and then culminates with a few deadly curves. I don't really know what else to say here other than the submitter forgot to post the ratings.

Desert Traveller: Okay, now we're finally talking. I have few, if any, negative things to say here. The layout feels a little unorganized but it's still fantastic, and it's very well themed as well. I think this one's going to win in a landslide.

RE: Vote for your favorite track! Round 265 - NieSch - May 31, 2017

Desert Traveller is the winner for me. The ride itself is really nice (except for the "real" head choppers) and the video is great. Good job.

RE: Vote for your favorite track! Round 265 - ctg614 - Jun 2, 2017

I vote desert traveler, but vulture looked pretty decent too.