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Keyboard Bindings not working - MAC - Printable Version

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Keyboard Bindings not working - MAC - sirminnyme - Sep 4, 2017

Hello All,

I decided to reinstall RCT3 and the keyboard binding does not work. I can type in a text box but when I try to rotate the camera or any other bindings it doesn't work. I have a new MAC. I did some searching online but did not find anything.

RE: Keyboard Bindings not working - MAC - ChrisMDB - Sep 4, 2017


I have two ways for you to proceed troubleshooting:

First, check all of your keyboard bindings and ensure that they're properly mapped. I know this seems like a stupid thing to do, but if you just installed it they may not be set properly.

Secondly, I'd try using a USB keyboard if you have one just to see if it's a problem with it registering your keyboard specifically.

I hope this helps, unfortunately I don't have a MAC (#WindowsForLife), so I'm not too sure how to help beyond this.