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RCT3 Save track design with scenery - Printable Version

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Save track design with scenery - WeSte - Jul 7, 2018

I know where the button is. But what shall I do with this button? - I have to mark all things I want to save, right? But I don't know how to mark the coaster or/and the scenery!!! I red about this problem and someone wrote, that the things turn white when using this button. No, it dosen't work in my RCT3-Game. I NEED HELP!!!!!!!

Leider werden die richtig kniffligen Sachen im Handbuch nicht beschrieben. So weiß ich immer noch nicht, wie ich eine Achterbahn MIT Szenerieobjekten abspeichern soll. Es gibt zwar bei den Bahnen diesen Button "Szenerieobjekte auswählen, ...", aber ich habe keine Ahnung wie ich hier was auswählen kann. Angeblich wird die Bahn und die nähere Szenerie dann weiß dargestellt, naja, bei mir jedenfalls nicht. Wer kann mir helfen?

RE: Save track design with scenery - GalaxyRoamer - Jul 9, 2018

When you are attempting to save a tracked ride, the floppy disc/disk icon will start at a "cold save". The ride is just saved, as is; nothing extraneous is saved in adendum (no paths, no scenery).

However, if you scroll down to the second option, which should read "Save Ride With Scenery", then you will be able to select what scenery you want saved with the ride (any paths, any scenery).

There should be an option to select as much scenery as you can.

Now, I'm talking about RCT2 with this explanation, so I don't think it should differ TOO much saving rides with scenery in RCT3...