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RCT2 Importing and exporting on an ipad - Printable Version

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Importing and exporting on an ipad - LauraMcP - Aug 10, 2019

Hi all!
I recently downloaded the game to my iPad. I used to play years ago on my old pc. 
I’ve completed all scenarios. I can across this forum whilst trying to research importing and exporting.
The game says I need to do it on emails?
I’ve read some bits on here and I found a file to try downloading. I downloaded it. A zip file. No option to open it in rct2 I’m not sure what to do after. I’m just confused now lol.
I’d like to get involved in the forum now I’ve found it and want to upload and download.

What i need is a step by step guide on how to do it - like a total dummies guide!

Also would like to delete some rubbish scenarios I made that have a glitch where benches disappear (seems that building certain custom designs makes them disappear I think related to not selecting certain themes during creating) .  But I can’t delete them. Pressing and holding only seems to work in load saved games. Not in open other scenario screen. Is it possible?

Thanks for reading Smile