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Burned out? - Printable Version

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Burned out? - Beelitz - Nov 30, 2005

Do you ever get burned out with RCT3? If yes, what does it take to get you back in the swing of things again?

As for me, I'm burned out and I thought that getting Wild! would change things but it didn't. What gets me back in the spirit of RCT3 is seeing new ideas. Not so I can copy them but so it will open up my mind and spark that imagination that seems to fade from time to time.

RE: Poll: Burned out? - Ryan Gordon - Nov 30, 2005

the-number-one-absolute-thing-i-hate-about-rct3-is-the-LAG. That is the absolute only reason I dont play as much as I wish Frown

RE: Poll: Burned out? - Beelitz - Nov 30, 2005

Totally agree with you there. My Wild! problem isn't solved as I thought it was and I almost threw my moniter out the window today.

RE: Poll: Burned out? - G-Force Junkie - Dec 3, 2005

I agree the lag issue is a problem.....heres what i do to try and counterattack it, in Graphical settings,1) Set all reflective water shadows to off(this actually takes up quite abit of memory)2)If you have Steelworkz package...go to LOD options and take the support settings to off(less for the computer to do)3)Night-time issue....now i know its nice to see a park at night, but this is the greatest cause of Lag....so switch the opening times from say 8am to 5-6 pm thus eliminating the problem.4)Vegetation settings to half.5)Paths settings to half 6)Peeps settings to half.NOTE:Your only gonna get top results with a top PC preferably a PCI EXPRESS graphics card(X800 XL) 1to 2gig of RAM Memory.A PC with 3ghz of speed or higher.A fast CD drive and preferably a SATA HD.If i Burn myself out.....which doesnt happen often, take a break from it, and brainstorm for ideas.Then go back to the drawing board

RE: Poll: Burned out? - Knighty - Dec 3, 2005

Might wanna fix that quadruple post there GFJ Wink :lol:

RE: Poll: Burned out? - G-Force Junkie - Dec 3, 2005

Ive contacted Rob and Beelitz....serious lag on the comp, causing me to quadruple post.They should be deleted soon....bloomin network.SORTED

RE: Poll: Burned out? - rct3x - Dec 3, 2005

Done Smile

RE: Poll: Burned out? - Ryan Gordon - Dec 3, 2005

Just to point out, we do not 'delete' posts, we 'unapprove' them, so they are not visible to members. We do this, so we can refer back to them if we have problems with a member, or something of the sort.

RE: Poll: Burned out? - G-Force Junkie - Dec 4, 2005

When i found the Steelworks Package, it was a breath of fresh air, since the supports had been one of my biggest gripes, it only added a new element to coaster building for me.....so that helped me out

RE: Poll: Burned out? - soakedmaster - Dec 7, 2005

I voted yes, but it's not me that gets burned out, it's my PC that does.