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Bad coastercam-recording - Printable Version

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Bad coastercam-recording - Hjem-is - Jan 12, 2006

I'm shooting my next rollercoaster movie, using the in-game recorder ctrl+shift+F11, and i've waited for nearly an hour, to get the complete track, from coastercam.

I did som shots using flying camera too....

Then i shut the game down, and wacthed the shots...
The flying camera shots, are great( I think, since it's my first try)
the shoot from coastercam, made me wanna throw my computer, out the window :evil: (not windows *s*)
It's crappy freezes for seconds, and skips a couple of frames, here and there...

What's Wrong...
Is it because i've set my display settings to high, or what ?
I was told that it only effects the FPS when your playing, not when your'e recording..

RE: Bad coastercam-recording - Beelitz - Jan 12, 2006

No! there's nothing wrong. That's just the way RCT3 records; frame by frame. The end results are so much better than usning FRAPS or something else. Bad news is, you have to be patient. What I do when I know it's going to take a while, I just let it record and do what I have to do until it finishes. When I recorded Lybrinth, the Flying Camera alone took somewhere between 3-5 hours to record. YOu always want qauilty. Always. Hang in there!

RE: Bad coastercam-recording - Hjem-is - Jan 13, 2006

I think, you've got my problem wrong beelitz...

I know, that it's supposed to do it while recording...

But I haven't experienced it when I'm watching it afterwards, in Media Player. that's usually nice, nice, nice...

RE: Bad coastercam-recording - Beelitz - Jan 13, 2006

Hjem-is Wrote:What's Wrong...
Is it because i've set my display settings to high, or what ?

It's glitchy after you record. When you're viewing it correct?

My bad. You can try lowering them and see if that helps and also check your resolution 1024x768 works fine with me -any higher then it glitches in the video like what you're talking about.

RE:  Bad coastercam-recording - Hjem-is - Jan 13, 2006

beelitz Wrote:It's glitchy after you record. When you're viewing it correct?

My bad. You can try lowering them and see if that helps and also check your resolution 1024x768 works fine with me -any higher then it glitches in the video like what you're talking about.
Yep it's when i'm watching it in mediaplayer...

thanks i'll try using another 50 min. waiting for, the coastercam to complete..

the rest of the movie is almost ready.... it's gonna be coool.. *s*
Worked a bit herder on the soundtrack to..