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Where are the most extreme coasters? - Printable Version

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Where are the most extreme coasters? - marcelvinicius - Mar 2, 2006


First of all, sorry for posting this if there is already some thread about extremes coasters (I registered right now, went to the search but found nothing)

Well... Sometimes I just like to do something unusual, something not possible in real life, like mega ultra extremes rollercoasters... but until now I have no idea how extreme I got.

Is there any kind of ranking for that?

I would love to know about the best ways to get the most extreme rates.

And again, sorry if its already a thread about this... just tell me where.


Thank you


RE: Where are the most extreme coasters? - marcelvinicius - Mar 2, 2006

Here is some numbers I got... I will write in spanish... but I think is understandable =)

Emocion: 0,21
Intensidad: 32,45 (Mega-Extreme)
Nauseas: 15,52 (Ultra-Extreme)

Max Velocidad: 262,97 Km/h

G+ Vertical: 30,89
G- Vertical: -19,04
G Lateral: 44,57

"Drop" Size: 279,64 m

I this good??

I have no idea....

RE: Where are the most extreme coasters? - Ryan Gordon - Mar 2, 2006

Theirs a cheat you can enter that will remove all limits off of coaster restriction. My best guess is to just use that cheat and make a coaster really really really tall, and then free fall from their. That will probably give you some very high Nausea ratings.

RE: Where are the most extreme coasters? - marcelvinicius - Mar 3, 2006

Thank you.... I will look for that... if its just for fun... lets do a space coaster =)

But... anyway... with no cheats, how extreme we can get?

RE: Where are the most extreme coasters? - Ryan Gordon - Mar 3, 2006

I'm not sure... Anyone else know?

RE: Where are the most extreme coasters? - G-Force Junkie - Mar 5, 2006

Cor, if there results for a coaster hes built....i wanna see it!!!