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Floating Objects (Solved) - Printable Version

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Floating Objects (Solved) - RCS2K4 - May 7, 2006

This has been bugging me for some time now, and no matter how flat the land is, things keep on doing it... Floating objects is what i'm on about. You go to place a ride or foodstall in your desiered location, but it will never sit on the floor, it's always floating in mid air. No matter how hard you try, you'll never get it down, and you can never connect paths to it neither.

Here's what I mean:

The terrain beneith that burger stall is dead flat, and is the same level as the path in front of it, but the game still insists on making my burger stall float, meaning I can't attach a path to it. And, speaking of paths, while building the main pathway thru the park double wide, some pieces refuse to join to others. When you take the terrain leveling tool (looks like a mountain with rings round it) and move it over the affected tiles, it just breaks up the path in another area.

It's beginning to really P me off now. It never done it in my other park, but for some reason, it's decided to do it here...

Anyone got any ideas? Or am I missing something really simple that stops this?

RE: Floating Objects - ShowMeTheMonkey - May 7, 2006

It happens to me too! I really hate it.

RE: Floating Objects - Turbo Tortoise - May 7, 2006

I find that annoyin when it happens.Have u got wild? if u have then click on the thing with the ride ontop of a rounded mound of land by the little box inn the corner and that sh work.

RE: Floating Objects - rct3x - May 7, 2006

Never happened to me before!

Hmm, have you put any object under that piece of land, e.g. Support Killer.

RE:  Floating Objects - RCS2K4 - May 7, 2006

alasdair10 Wrote:I find that annoyin when it happens.Have u got wild? if u have then click on the thing with the ride ontop of a rounded mound of land by the little box inn the corner and that sh work.
Ahhhhh, tried that, and it works everytime. It doesn't always shape the lad how you want to tho, and then it's really hard to get it looking right after... At least my flat rides are on level ground now...

Still no luck with the food stalls Frown

And, in response to RCT3X, there is no support killer placed there, that ride has yet to be dressed up with custom supports yet...

Any more ideas?

RE: Floating Objects - Beelitz - May 7, 2006

This has happened to me on occasion. I think I know the problem: what happens is when you elevate the land with the automatic raising tool, but then change your mind that you want it flat again, which you might have used the automatic leveling tool, it doesn't level it completely.
What I had to do is take the terrian tool were you can choose the squares and either lower the land or raise the land first, then level the land to your desire.

RE: Floating Objects - RCS2K4 - May 8, 2006

/\ Genius, problem solved Smile

Here's what you need to do: Select the tool that allows you to raise and lower squares in fixed 1 unit incriments (Like in RCT 1 and 2) and lower the affected squares, and then raise them again. Then go over the area with the tool that looks like a mountain with rings round it, and voila! No more floaty stuff...

What would I do without all these usefull ppl to help me o my way?

RE: Floating Objects (Solved) - Beelitz - May 8, 2006

Glad you got it worked out RCS2K4!! When that first happened to me I was furious b/c I couldn't figure out why the dag-gum stall wouldn't sit on the ground. Then I started thrashing my park into pieces, lowering and elevating the land frantically. I settled down after a while, leveled the land and it worked fine and that's when I figured it out.

RE: Floating Objects (Solved) - Transformick - Nov 12, 2017

I'm wondering how you move the pool tiles UP!