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RCT4 - Not just WANT's, but DON'T WANT's - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: RCT4 - Not just WANT's, but DON'T WANT's (/thread-4410.html)

RCT4 - Not just WANT's, but DON'T WANT's - CarlosMarti123 - Jan 14, 2008


RE: RCT4 - Not just WANT's, but DON'T WANT's - Zippy24 - Feb 7, 2008

For the vista problem just get a power mac, they can run windows alot faster. I agree with the real brand parks but the rest I think you are thinking of the computers we have right now, rct4 will probably come out in 3 years if it does and that time most people will have very capable computers. Finally where are the good things?

RE: RCT4 - Not just WANT's, but DON'T WANT's - chevelleROCKER_18B - Apr 13, 2008

Well I think the ultamate good thing to have on this one would be to make this game contain all of the other games featuresSmile (like RCT and RCT2 and RCT3)

RE: RCT4 - Not just WANT's, but DON'T WANT's - Zippy24 - Apr 13, 2008


RE: RCT4 - Not just WANT's, but DON'T WANT's - chevelleROCKER_18B - Apr 14, 2008

Yeah The pack would be called.....uh.....RCT4 Roaming Through Time.....that works:grin:They should create something like that.