RCTgo Forums
Introduction - Printable Version

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Introduction - Twin Coasters Inc. - Mar 17, 2011

Hi All,
I am Twin Coasters Inc. I love to build coasters, especially twin or racer coasters. However I do build coasters that are not.
I have been a member for a short time and I have quite a few uploads and I noticed that my ups have been downloaded a lot and I have only one comment. And it seem I am the first to introduce myself. Why is this? It seems there is a lot of drive by downloading and no thanks. This lowers my desire to upload my works. Why should I share if I can't even get a thank you? Or even worse I see no thank you's to this site.
Come on people lets start letting each other know that we appreciate each others hard work.

Have Fun!

RE: Introduction - Justin - Mar 17, 2011

Welcome to RCTgo, and thanks for joining!

Don't worry about people not saying thanks for your downloads - as long as you're having fun, that's all that matters. Smile

RE: Introduction - Twin Coasters Inc. - Mar 18, 2011

Quote:Don't worry about people not saying thanks for your downloads - as long as you're having fun, that's all that matters.

I know and I will keep creating and uploading, it's just that a simple comment makes a big difference.

I love RCT3 it is the only game (in my opinion) that truly has unlimited replay value.

Thanks and always...

Have Fun!

RE: Introduction - zach_gamer77 - Mar 19, 2011

I know, comments always make me feel better about my creations. I even check the comments on older uploads just to see if someone has posted.

RE: Introduction - DutchBros - Aug 12, 2011

Welcome to the team and thank you for joining