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Problem Adding Trees - Printable Version

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Problem Adding Trees - cav03 - Aug 4, 2011

Hi all, this might be a stupid question but...

I just got RCT 3 Platinum for the Mac. It runs beautifully and I'm loving it, but I'm having a problem with trees in Sandbox mode. There are tons available, but when I try to add many of them the map won't take them. (It gives me the blue silhouette saying I can add the tree, but then nothing happens when I click.) Some trees work just fine (e.g. Baobab) but I'd say that's only about 20%.

Is this a problem with the game, or is there some other thing at work here (do I need to unlock them, do they need a special environment, etc.)


RE: Problem Adding Trees - GameProKing - Aug 4, 2011

Try zooming in, maybe it just looks like they're not there because they're small? Or maybe it's because they're part of a cs that isn't working for you.

RE: Problem Adding Trees - cav03 - Aug 4, 2011

Thanks for the response!

I'm thinking it's most likely a cs issue. Maybe I'll try reinstalling and see if that helps.

RE: Problem Adding Trees - GameProKing - Aug 5, 2011

if u re-install be sure to backup what you need Smile