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RCT3 Deleted Files - Printable Version

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Deleted Files - Mr. Tierry - Aug 12, 2011

I've deleted the files in the folder Atari/RollerCoaster Tycoon 3/Style.
Could anyone please upload them, that I can download them?

RE: Deleted Files - TC8950 - Aug 12, 2011

Um, what folders? Custom Scenery or the in-game? o_o

EDIT: And may I ask, why did you delete the files...
Anyway just re install RCT3. Im pretty sure uploading the files is illegal...

RE: Deleted Files - GameProKing - Aug 12, 2011

Yes, it is illegal if it originally came with the game, so just re-install.

RE: Deleted Files - Mr. Tierry - Aug 13, 2011

Well, yes, probably you're right. But if I re-install, do I have my scenarios and other saved things anymore?

RE: Deleted Files - GameProKing - Aug 13, 2011

Not sure, you probably do, since like most programs, it will save your custom saves, which includes game saves, parks, coasters, CTR and CS. I would however back them up just in case. However, if you cannot back them up you have to decide, continue without those files, or re-install and risk losing the files. Smile

RE: Deleted Files - TC8950 - Aug 13, 2011

(Aug 13, 2011, 09:17 AM)Mr. Tierry Wrote: Well, yes, probably you're right. But if I re-install, do I have my scenarios and other saved things anymore?

If you don't uninstall the game and just re install, yes you will still have your CUSTOM scenarios/parks/tracks ect. If you want the pre-made ones, (Vanilla Hills ect.) Go to:

and copy them and put them in a place you wont forget.
Re install
Then place the files back into the Base folder. Smile

RE: Deleted Files - Mr. Tierry - Aug 16, 2011

Great, thank you for your good answers. :-)

RE: Deleted Files - Mr. Tierry - Aug 25, 2011

Well, now I have an other question:
How can I re install without uninstall?

RE: Deleted Files - GameProKing - Aug 25, 2011

go to control panel remove or add programs, and select rct3, select repair, put your disk in, and it should re install all the lost files, i did this when i deleted the music.