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im thinking about the Future like 2015 or 2050 - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: im thinking about the Future like 2015 or 2050 (/thread-5832.html)

im thinking about the Future like 2015 or 2050 - DutchBros - Jan 17, 2012

i might be thinking about the future of what inventions there might be

Like 2015 innovations: check and read text messages in the bath-sweet
some small devices that unfold bigger or like cool digital glass screen computers-I saw a you tube video of those once it was cool besides:takes place in 2014

a giant Ipod and a entertainment room-saw a video of that once on you tube just type in house of the future it will be Living tomorrow or south koreas house of the future


EVERYTHING in the this world to make life eaiser