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Hows your school classes going so far - Printable Version

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Hows your school classes going so far - DutchBros - Jan 17, 2012

At my school class its fine but accept the people/students CANT KEEP THE VOICE LEVEL DOWN
those kids just go off task so hows your class going so far

RE: Hows your school classes going so far - invadazimrocks777 - Jan 17, 2012

my class is going well except i suck at homework so i'm a bit behind, btw what happens is someone starts talking when another person is talking
so the other person starts talking louder and other people start talking and so on and so on, the same thing happens at my school

RE: Hows your school classes going so far - DiarugaCoasters - Jan 17, 2012

hi, (no comment)

RE: Hows your school classes going so far - DutchBros - Jan 17, 2012

yep when those kids in my class get home they might get frustrated about work they just want to get their work done and just want to have free time but i know some who are failing and just talking about inappropirate things