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Funny comment on a zombie game!!! - Printable Version

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Funny comment on a zombie game!!! - dylan12348072112 - Mar 16, 2012

I made a funny comment to a zombie game (left4dead2) just read!!!

Louis: Yo!
Zombie: grrr
Louis: Don't get pissed of to me stupid zombie!
Zombie: grrrrr giiiiii!!!!!
Louis: This is what u deserve!
Zombie: ?????
Louis: Peanut butter and jelly time, Peanut butter and jelly time, Peanut butter and jelly time!
Zombie:............. (The zombie can't answer, its dead!!!)


RE: Funny comment on a zombie game!!! - Blu - Mar 16, 2012

I don't get it.

RE: Funny comment on a zombie game!!! - dylan12348072112 - Mar 18, 2012

no it is not an joke just a funny story you don't need to get it!