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RCTgo Suggestion: Viewing members downloads (read for info) - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: RCTgo Suggestion: Viewing members downloads (read for info) (/thread-5944.html)

RCTgo Suggestion: Viewing members downloads (read for info) - DiarugaCoasters - Mar 17, 2012

Hey Justin, I had an idea while viewing my members downloads page (example).

U should add in the info box (where it sais ur number of downloads, ur posts, etc...) u should add the total number of times all the files have been downloaded added together, like how many downloads ur files have gotten overall!
Attachments are the box that im talking about (capture1) and what it might look like after (capture2).


RE: RCTgo Suggestion: Viewing members downloads (read for info) - Blu - Mar 17, 2012

I like this idea, but it is up to Justin!

RE: RCTgo Suggestion: Viewing members downloads (read for info) - Justin - Mar 17, 2012

I'll have to look into this. Because of the way the system is set up (having your downloads listed on multiple pages), it might not be feasible without increasing the load (which is bad), because it requires going through each download and adding in the count for each one. If it can be done without any problems, I'll add it, but it's something I need to check.

RE: RCTgo Suggestion: Viewing members downloads (read for info) - DiarugaCoasters - Mar 18, 2012

ok thnkz justin, just pm me if u decide either way!