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how do you get custom scenery? - Printable Version

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how do you get custom scenery? - MonkeyWrench - May 20, 2007

Im a little new at the custom scenery thing, but not to rct, can someone help on on where i can find scenery?????

RE: how do you get custom scenery? - Viscosity86 - May 20, 2007

Get? as in download? If so, I normally use www.vodhin.com OR some at RCT3X.com they also have some for download. Ataricommunity.com in the fourms. thats the 3 main places i have used. Then some of them tell you how to install. basicly download them to rct3/style, and unzip them into the folder.
oh yeah btw, glad you FINALLY made a username here...tell me how you like it bud and if ya need anymore help. dont monkey around to much Smile

RE: how do you get custom scenery? - flamingojoe - May 20, 2007

I would suggest going to Ataricommunity.com then go to RCT3, then go into the custom scenery forum people update there hourly. Also shyguysworld.com has great scenery sets. to download scenery download it to a folder in My Documents, unzip it, click on the folder until you see .unique/ .common/(that sets name). Go one folder up from this, and move it to c:/progam files/atari/rollercoastertycoon3/style/themed then open a sandbox park and (hopefully) WALLAH!!! It appears!

RE: how do you get custom scenery? - Viscosity86 - May 20, 2007

I was thinking that joe, but i couldnt put it into words, at least someone can... good job Smile

RE: how do you get custom scenery? - flamingojoe - Jun 18, 2007

I'm just that goodCool.


RE: how do you get custom scenery? - schnauzercutie - Jul 4, 2007

Hmm... custom scenery is great....UHH!! Joe, you beat me to it. Well yah, that explains it all! I'm new to CS (custom scenery) too and I have been having problems too. Good luck Monkeywrench (what an odd name...) lol Biggrin