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Intro - Printable Version

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Intro - UpnComer - Nov 11, 2012

Hi everybody,

Ive played RCT3 for awhile now. I have just recently taken my coaster building seriously, so I sign up so that I could hopefully get some help.

RE: Intro - RedRain - Nov 11, 2012

What do you need? Welcome.

RE: Intro - Meathead - Nov 11, 2012

Hi, Good to see a active forum for RC3

RE: Intro - Ardy - Nov 11, 2012

Yeah, we are VERY active! Biggrin

I was very surprised that it was active too, being seven years old and all.

RE: Intro - UpnComer - Nov 12, 2012

(Nov 11, 2012, 07:56 AM)RedRain Wrote: What do you need? Welcome.

How do I get may Jcat steel worx to line up correctly to the tracks.

RE: Intro - Blu - Nov 12, 2012

Click on the glasses and turn on the "grid". It will show blue lines all over the ground. Then try the best you can to line it up. Also, I recommend using Moby's Steel Jungle before you get used to Steelworx. They are a lot more realistic and versatile.


RE: Intro - UpnComer - Nov 12, 2012

(Nov 12, 2012, 11:49 AM)alexwohlbruck Wrote: Click on the glasses and turn otn the "grid". It will show blue lines all over the ground. Then try the best you can to line it up. Also, I recommend using Moby's Steel Jungle before you get used to Steelworx. They are a lot more realistic and versatile.


Thank you for the help I already have Moby's but dont like it because I have to build everything. I'll give it a try. thanks.

RE: Intro - Ardy - Nov 12, 2012

That is one thing I don't like about Moby's either.

RE: Intro - Kinderly - Nov 12, 2012

I like building everything. It's better, and fun!

RE: Intro - Blu - Nov 13, 2012

I only said that because like me, I always used Jcats Steelworx. There was a time when that's all they had. It takes time to get used to, and lots of time to build for the first time, but now I can support a coaster in 3 hours.