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Catching on a bit late - Printable Version

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Catching on a bit late - Dava02 - Dec 18, 2012


Decided to reg as i will need to ask some fairly newbie questions in time.
Had this game for years but always drop in and out of it. It's only now, since i've decided to have yet another go, that I decided to start with all the customs buildings etc.

I've known about this site for a long time but never saw the need to register.

I have some pretty basic questions to ask in time as well.

RE: Catching on a bit late - IntaminAndrew - Dec 18, 2012

Would you like any answers for anything?

RE: Catching on a bit late - FlightToAtlantis - Dec 21, 2012

I believe we all drop in and out of it from time to time and that most of us have been in it since RCT1. I guess the important thing is we keep coming back, and there is always something new to come back to. I'm also just getting into all the great custom scenery about. Good Luck!

RE: Catching on a bit late - cyberwaveIT - Dec 22, 2012

Welcome to RCTgo, Dava02!

Hope you find the answers to your questions & have fun while you're here.

Cheers! Happy