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Spice's Custom Pool Set. Where is it Hiding? - Printable Version

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Spice's Custom Pool Set. Where is it Hiding? - FlightToAtlantis - Dec 28, 2012

I today downloaded Spice’s Custom Pools pack. I didn’t alter any of the files like the read me requested and I used his installer which took a backup while installing. There were no error messages and everything seemed to go smoothly.

I opened a new park in RCT3, opened the pool tab as if I was going to build a pool and although I clicked on every item I saw in pools menu I don’t see anything new. Am I looking in the right place?

I didn’t have any problem installing his Epcot path or his Mission Ride. I can find them and they work fine.

RE: Spice's Custom Pool Set. Where is it Hiding? - Blu - Dec 28, 2012

I couldn't get it to work either. I just said forget it, there's better CS!

RE: Spice's Custom Pool Set. Where is it Hiding? - FlightToAtlantis - Dec 29, 2012

I have good news and not-so-good news.

After I decided to ignore that I couldn't find anything new in the pool menus, when I tried to build a pool path the in-game pool path wouldn’t work. Pieces seemed to be being placed, the cursor was moving but I wasn’t seeing anything, that’s the not-so-good news.

I decided that wasn’t working and restored my backup copy of Pools folder into program files, opened the game again and went back to the area where I tried to build a pool path and the in-game pool path was already there in the same place where I wasn’t sure if I did or if I didn’t place Spice’s pool paths. And the in-game pool paths built like they regularly do. That’s the good news.

(Dec 28, 2012, 09:05 PM)alexwohlbruck Wrote: I couldn't get it to work either. I just said forget it, there's better CS!

Spices pool CS seems to do nothing except make in-game pool paths invisible. Forget it is a good suggestion.