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RCT3D Your thoughts - Printable Version

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RCT3D Your thoughts - rccoa coasters - Apr 9, 2013

Do you own RCT3D?
Do you want to try it?
Your thoughts.

RE: RCT3D Your thoughts - RCTgoMatthew - Apr 9, 2013

I do not own it. I wish you could create CS for it though. Smile

RE: RCT3D Your thoughts - FlightToAtlantis - Apr 9, 2013

I understand RCT3D it's only available for Nintendo's 3D system. I already have Theme Park World on PS2 and hardly play it. I'm afraid whatever RCT it is if I can't have it on my PC I'm not interested.

RE: RCT3D Your thoughts - RCTgoMatthew - Apr 9, 2013

^ I have the same thought. Smile

RE: RCT3D Your thoughts - nerdygeekrct - Apr 29, 2013

I was excited when there was news for a new RCT game, but upon seeing the word "3D," I thought...

nerdygeekrct, while reading RCT 3D announcement, Wrote:Oh no, I have a bad feeling they would make some stripped-down version of my favorite PC game for a gimmicky Japanese handheld.

And they did. Ugh what a disappointment...

RE: RCT3D Your thoughts - FlightToAtlantis - Apr 29, 2013

Yup. They did. And besides ... RCT3 is in 3-D already.