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Jurassic Park Jeep Explorer - Printable Version

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Jurassic Park Jeep Explorer - HunterK15 - Apr 9, 2013

can any one help me with downloading the Jurassic park jeep explorer custom track ride from the complete list of custom content. it needs a guided track thing and i don't know how to do it. So if someone could please help me thats all i ask.

RE: Jurassic Park Jeep Explorer - FlightToAtlantis - Apr 10, 2013

First of all go to this page.


Select "J” then select “Jurassic Park Ford Explorer by dave841” which is about the fourth ride down. Click on that ride/link. When that page comes up go to the top right and select “Downloads.” The only link that will come up will be CS Depot. Click on that link and download the file from there. This is a ridiculous set-up for a download site and it took me a few tries to figure it out.

You can get Revolutionary Rides Trams from here:


And if you want, get the tram track covers from here:


With ALL these downloads make a note of the installation instructions that appear on each page you encounter on your way to the download and/or on the download page. It’s not a good idea to count on installation instructions coming with the download as sometimes they don’t.

Follow the download instructions exactly, preserve file structure during extraction and don’t rename any files before placing them.

RE: Jurassic Park Jeep Explorer - HunterK15 - Apr 10, 2013

its in the game and i can place tracks and that's the only thing i can do with it. if i do anything else it kicks me out of the game i don't know what is wrong can someone help me with this??

RE: Jurassic Park Jeep Explorer - FlightToAtlantis - Apr 12, 2013

If you want someone to help you the first thing you need to do is tell someone exactly what you were doing, or were trying to do when the game kicked you out and then to say exactly what error message you got. Until you do that no one can help.

If you had done this already I would be typing help in this post rather than suggesting you do something you should already have done.

RE: Jurassic Park Jeep Explorer - HunterK15 - Apr 12, 2013

i can only put paths down of the ride , if i try to test it or click it or put the last piece of the track together it kicks me out of the game. there is no message that i get the only one i get is saying rct3 has encountered a problem and needs to exit i don't know what to do!

RE: Jurassic Park Jeep Explorer - FlightToAtlantis - Apr 13, 2013

First try making your ride in a park that’s brand new with nothing else in it to see if you get the same problem. Try ending the ride at a different place each time, e.g., the first time you try this end the ride at the station, the second time try ending it in the lift hill, the third time somewhere else, etc. Disable the option for the track editor to move the camera each time you place a piece.

A few times I’ve had a problem with a CTR if the station is not long enough. Make your station at least 12 tiles long and see if that fixes the problem.

You could also try making a new dummy track (a factice track, a trial track) with this same CTR on flat land in a new empty park. Make the dummy ride with no hills and a minimum of track pieces, just enough to complete a track. You won’t be using this dummy ride in your park so ride length, lift chains and banking are not an issue. Try one dummy track with a 12 tiles station and one without a station.

Finally, if you’re still having the same difficulties and if you already have any of these in your options.txt file:

AllowSameTrackIntersect or TrackAllowSameTrackIntersect
GuestsIgnoreNausea or GuestsIgnoreRideNausea

then take these options out. Copy and paste your options.txt file (back it up so it’s safe), remove these items I’ve listed if they’re in your actual options.txt file and try the above steps again.

If you’ve tried all the above without success it would appear this is a problem with the design of the ride.

RE: Jurassic Park Jeep Explorer - HunterK15 - Apr 14, 2013

i have an idea do u have team viewer if u r willing could u use that and help me with this??

RE: Jurassic Park Jeep Explorer - FlightToAtlantis - Apr 15, 2013

I have TeamViewer but don't understand how it could help. If I had access to your machine I would simply follow the steps I've recommended above. How do you think it might help?

As a security reminder, if you're providing your ISP address or any other information that will personally identify you on the internet do not write this information in the forums.

RE: Jurassic Park Jeep Explorer - HunterK15 - Apr 15, 2013

I'm not the best computer man out there, and for me the steps are just a little confusing , o and other thing when i try to download it and click to open it, you know how its not a zipped folder it looks like a piece of paper well anyways when i try to open it it say invalid menu handle and that might help you.

RE: Jurassic Park Jeep Explorer - FlightToAtlantis - Apr 16, 2013

O.K. that does help. That means it's not a .zip file but a .rar file. You can unzip it with 7Zip or WinRar.

Get 7Zip here - http://www.7-zip.org/download.html
Get WinRar here - http://www.win-rar.com/download.html?&L=0

All these steps only seem confusing now because you haven't done it before. It's not really confusing and after a few more times you'll be an old pro.